
What happens when pigeons dream?

Dreams have been considered a hallmark of human sleep for a long time. Latest findings, however, suggest that when pigeons sleep, they might experience visions of flight. Researchers at Ruhr University Bochum and at the Max ...


First pill for fecal transplants wins FDA approval

U.S. health officials on Wednesday approved the first pill made from healthy bacteria found in human waste to fight dangerous gut infections—an easier way of performing so-called fecal transplants.


Fluid flow in the brain can be manipulated by sensory stimulation

Researchers at Boston University, U.S. report that the flow of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain is linked to waking brain activity. Led by Stephanie Williams, and publishing in the open access journal PLOS Biology on March ...


Pulsating blood vessels wash your brain while you sleep

The word "brainwashing" usually triggers negative associations. But our brain health for sure depends on it. Scientists at the University of Oslo have recently made new and important discoveries about how and why this happens ...


Olive oil by-product could aid exercise

New research has found that a natural by-product of olive oil production could potentially have antioxidant benefits and support exercise.

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