
Drinking water? There's an app for that

The human body is well equipped to maintain an adequate level of hydration through the various biological feedback control mechanisms of homeostasis. However, this regulation relies on an adequate supply of water. While there ...


Flooding one of Florence's big dangers

(HealthDay)—As Florence unleashes her full fury on the Carolinas, residents who stayed put need to know that flooding will be even more dangerous than the high winds of this hurricane.


Beat the heat on your summer vacation

(HealthDay)—Before you head out for a sunny summer getaway, get familiar with the signs of heat-related illnesses. Once at your destination, build in time for your body to adjust to the climate.


How to avoid traveler's diarrhea

Don't drink the water. That's the advice you may have heard for avoiding traveler's diarrhea. While it's a good start, the devil is in the details.

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