Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Assistive tech to tackle dementia isolation

Mobile and wearable technology used to support independent living for people with dementia could hold the key to cutting social isolation.


Review highlights advances in wearable brain-computer interfaces

A review in Health Data Science highlights significant advancements in wearable electroencephalogram (EEG) technologies for non-invasive brain-computer interfaces (BCIs). This review is particularly valuable for researchers ...


A guide to gift shopping that's good for your health

(HealthDay)—Shopping for a gift for a friend or loved one? Instead of wracking your brain over which sweater to buy, keep in mind that gifts for good health are always the right size.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Can your smartwatch improve treatment for depression?

The same smartwatch that counts your steps and hours of sleep can also offer mental health clinicians valuable information about depression symptoms, a Northeastern expert says in an article published in the New England Journal ...

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