Medical economics

High heat can serve up food insecurity within days

Amid record-high temperatures globally, a study Monday reveals that a few days of searing heat can be enough to prevent billions of people already living hand-to-mouth on daily wages from putting food on the table.


Experts discuss how heat affects the most vulnerable

Extreme heat threatens the health of vulnerable populations such as children, laborers, and the elderly. A Stanford pediatrician, emergency medicine doctor, and professor of Earth system science discuss how we can best adapt ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How we can better manage mental health impacts of bushfires

With an El Niño summer promising hotter and drier conditions for much of Australia, we must rethink how we measure the impact bushfires and other extreme weather events have on our mental health and well-being, according ...


On Nutrition: Beat the heat

We've been lucky with more rain and cooler weather this summer. My friend Terry in Arizona has not been as fortunate.

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