
Q&A: Staying safe while running

Question: I'm training for my first long-distance race, and I want to be safe on my runs. Unfortunately, due to where I live, the weather is often a challenge. On other days, I'm finding I cannot get in my miles until after ...

Medical research

First aid: Drones make a difference

Eurac Research and Mountain Rescue South Tyrol tested the use of drones to locate and rescue accident victims in Bletterbach Gorge. The results are in, drones save valuable time and increase safety for rescue services in ...


Summer thunderstorms can leave asthma-sufferers breathless

As the weather heats up, many are looking forward to getting outside for some fun in the sun. But for asthma-sufferers, the summer season can present dangerous conditions through asthma triggers that many are unaware of, ...


Why climate change might be affecting your headaches

Recurring headaches are one of the most common nervous system disorders, with an estimated 45 million, or one in six, Americans complaining of headaches each year. People who experience headaches or migraines regularly are ...

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