
Five tips to help you get outdoors to work out

It's never a bad time to start an exercise routine or get back to one. And with warmer weather and more daylight on the horizon, there's ample opportunity to get outside for your daily walk, bike ride or team sport.


Why you should feed both a cold and a fever

Respiratory viruses like rhinovirus (the cause of the common cold), flu and SARS-CoV-2 make the rounds during the winter season, and many people claim to have a remedy to help illness pass quicker. But how much merit do these ...


Tips to help your skin thrive this winter

Winter isn't kind to your skin. Dry, cold weather causes dryness, and you might even develop "winter rash"—dry, irritated skin that's red, bumpy, flaky and burns. That's why it's prime time to step up your skincare routine.


Climate change linked to spread of diarrheal illness

A new study from the University of Surrey reveals that temperature, day length and humidity are linked to the increased spread of a diarrheal illness. The findings could help predict further outbreaks of the illness, potentially ...


Can cold weather cause a cold?

The bitter winter elements can be brutal on the body. But is there any truth that you can "catch a cold" if not properly dressed outside?

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