
Want to avoid winter weight gain? Exercise

(HealthDay)—Don't let cold weather keep you from being active—that's a surefire route to winter weight gain. Exercise keeps you healthy, trim and happy, and it's a great antidote to the gray-weather doldrums.


Protecting older people in the winter

Every year, Minnesota's severe winter weather conditions—blizzards, extreme cold, ice storms—grip media attention and public consciousness. Yet how everyday winter weather shapes health and well-being is often overlooked. ...


Running in the cold: how to survive and thrive

(HealthDay)—Whether you're training for a marathon or just logging miles, cold-weather running requires some special health and safety precautions, according to a sports medicine expert.


Layer up when temperatures plummet

(HealthDay)—Two-thirds of the United States is grappling with bitterly cold temperatures as an Arctic front slides across the country, so one emergency doctor offers practical advice for those caught in the frigid weather.


Risk of heat-related health problems increases with age

With summer here and the temperatures rising, it is important to understand the health risks that excessive heat can bring and know the signs of heat-related illnesses. Older adults and people with chronic medical conditions ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Keep your guard up against West Nile virus

Use insect repellent and wear protective clothing when you're outside in the evening— even when it doesn't feel like mosquitoes are biting.

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