Psychology & Psychiatry

Livening up your space with plants can boost your mental health

While you may not associate lush greenery with the winter months, incorporating plants into your home can beautify your space and help combat the winter blues. Various indoor plants thrive during the winter months and can ...


Donations needed: Nation's blood supply critically low

Severe weather across many parts of the country has caused a lot of problems, but one effect you may not have heard about is on the nation's blood supply. According to the American Red Cross, the nation's blood supply is ...


Five tips to help you get outdoors to work out

It's never a bad time to start an exercise routine or get back to one. And with warmer weather and more daylight on the horizon, there's ample opportunity to get outside for your daily walk, bike ride or team sport.


Why you should feed both a cold and a fever

Respiratory viruses like rhinovirus (the cause of the common cold), flu and SARS-CoV-2 make the rounds during the winter season, and many people claim to have a remedy to help illness pass quicker. But how much merit do these ...

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