Overweight & Obesity

California and New York aim to curb diet pill sales to minors

California and New York are on the cusp of going further than the FDA in restricting the sale of non-prescription diet pills to minors as pediatricians and public health advocates try to protect kids from extreme weight-loss ...


Promising nose spray could prevent, treat COVID-19

A newly discovered small molecule could be sprayed into people's noses to prevent COVID-19 illness prior to exposure and provide early treatment if administered soon after infection, according to a study in mice led by Cornell ...


Food packaging claims mislead consumers with ideas of health

Researchers have found that the type of healthy claim on certain food products can be completely uncorrelated with actual nutritional quality. Yet these messages directly influence consumers' expectations of taste, healthiness ...


Beware of natural supplements for sex gain and weight loss

Many consumers consider dietary supplements to be natural and, therefore, safe. In fact, the Council for Responsible Nutrition reported in 2017 that 87 percent of U.S. consumers have confidence that dietary supplements, such ...


Go vegan to jumpstart weight loss

(HealthDay)—Vegan diets are hard for many people to stick with long-term, but studies show that this way of eating can translate to weight loss.

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