
Report: DEA records show West Virginia flooded with drugs

Drug wholesalers shipped 780 million hydrocodone and oxycodone pills to West Virginia in just six years, a period when 1,728 people fatally overdosed on these two painkillers, according to an investigation by the Charlotte ...


Summit focuses on coordinating efforts to fight drug abuse

State Supreme Court justices and other high-ranking officials huddled Wednesday to discuss ways to coordinate efforts to battle the drug abuse epidemic in a judicial summit involving some of the hardest-hit states.


Obama says US will tackle prescription drug abuse

Traveling to a region in the throes of a drug abuse crisis, President Barack Obama promised Wednesday to use his bully pulpit and federal programs to try to combat the "epidemic" of heroin use and prescription painkiller ...


Other legal challenges to health overhaul remain

If you thought the legal fight over the health care overhaul was finally over, think again. At least four issues related to the Affordable Care Act still are being sorted out in the courts, although none seems to pose the ...


Experts: California vaccine bill would increase immunization

A hotly contested California bill to impose one of the strictest vaccination laws in the nation would boost immunization rates by changing parents' behavior, according to immunologists and people who have researched the impact ...

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