
Dynamic headrest helps wheelchair users

A dynamic headrest will soon reduce pain and other discomforts for wheelchair users. Anoek Geers constructed the prototype of this new head support within the framework of the University of Twente's PDEng programme. She is ...


The smart wheelchair

A wheelchair controller that automatically avoids obstacles and knows when the user is tired or stressed is being developed by researchers in India. Details are described in the International Journal of Human Factors Modelling ...


Can disabled athletes outcompete able-bodied athletes?

Well before Oscar Pistorius was first granted leave by the International Athletics Federation to compete in the Olympics, sports fans had questioned whether disabled athletes would ever outcompete their able-bodied counterparts.


E-wheelchair should weigh less

Whilst the advantages of a wheelchair with auxiliary drive are self-evident, they do not always outweigh the disadvantages. The weight of the construction can pose a physical burden on a certain group of wheelchair users, ...


Monkeys move robotic wheelchairs with their thoughts

(HealthDay)—Researchers who made it possible for monkeys to operate a robotic wheelchair using only the monkey's thoughts say the technology might eventually be used by severely disabled people.

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