Oncology & Cancer

Targeting the mechanisms that allow leukaemia to thrive

Two recent studies conducted at the Circular Dichroism beamline (B23) at Diamond Light Source have shed light on the way in which a subtype of leukaemia can proliferate in the body. The studies published in OncoImmunology ...


How technology can help you get a better night's sleep

It's smart to turn off mobile devices and other small screens at least an hour before bedtime, but technology can also help us power down for a good night's sleep, says expert Cary Brown, a researcher in the University of ...


A pocket-sized retina camera, no dilating required

It's the part of the eye exam everyone hates: the pupil-dilating eye drops. The drops work by opening the pupil and preventing the iris from constricting in response to light and are often used for routine examination and ...

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