Psychology & Psychiatry

Depression, anxiety hit minorities hardest during pandemic

Americans' rates of depression and anxiety spiked during the first year of the pandemic, but the increases were much more pronounced among Black, Hispanic and Asian people than among white people, new research shows.

Medical research

Aging lymph nodes: Seeking a solution for weakened immune systems

It is well established that older adults are more susceptible to infection and their immune systems less capable of generating a strong immune response. Now, a new University of Arizona Health Sciences-led paper explains ...

Medical research

Research looks at racism in health care and how to end it

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention named racism as a serious public health threat, and UO philosopher Camisha Russell's latest research examines racism in health care and offers some ideas about how to address ...


Administration expands availability of COVID antiviral pill

President Joe Biden's administration is taking steps to expand availability of the life-saving COVID-19 antiviral treatment Paxlovid, seeking to reassure doctors that there is ample supply for people at high risk of severe ...


Biden admin to promote availability of COVID antiviral pill

President Joe Biden and his administration want Americans and their doctors to know that the country has an ample supply of the life-saving COVID-19 antiviral treatment Paxlovid and that it no longer needs to be rationed.

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