
Don't be fooled by foods that sound healthy but aren't

You probably already realize that adding zucchini or carrots to a cake won't magically make it low calorie or healthy. But you might not realize that there are many foods that sound healthy but really aren't.


Barley: A tasty alternative to rice

(HealthDay)—Looking for a simple yet delicious way to enjoy whole grains? Start with nutritious, easy-to-cook barley, a great swap for processed grains like white rice.


What's the right balance of fats and carbs?

What is the perfect amount of fats and carbohydrates for a healthy diet? Scientists from McMaster University in Canada analyzed food diaries from more than 135,000 people in 18 countries around the world to find out.


Delicious, do-it-yourself cauliflower rice

(HealthDay)—In the quest to lighten up on carbs and refined grains, cauliflower rice is the hands-down favorite substitute. But you don't have to buy pricy, pre-riced bags of cauliflower when a simple countertop appliance ...


The foods that schools wanted exempt from whole-grain rule

The Trump administration recently rolled back a rule that said foods like bread and pasta have to be made with whole grains. Before the rule was relaxed, schools needed temporary waivers to serve foods like white rice, which ...


Cooking with whole grains

(HealthDay)—When it comes to getting the best taste and the greatest nutritional value from grains, keep it whole grain.


Roasted root veggies make a hearty winter soup

(HealthDay)—Dense root vegetables such as sweet potatoes and parsnips benefit from roasting. They sweeten as they cook, making for healthy comfort food during cold winter months.


Make nice with rice to boost your diet

(HealthDay)—If you love rice, you might be wondering how you can make it part of healthy meals. Whether you're trying to drop pounds or stay at a healthy weight, some adjustments will let you keep it on the menu.

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