
How to protect your child from choking

(HealthDay)—Eating solid foods is a milestone in your child's life. With the right precautions to reduce the risk of choking, you can make this a safe transition.


Follow the mediterranean diet for weight loss, too

(HealthDay)—When the 2015 U.S. Dietary Guidelines were released, they included details for following the Mediterranean-style diet. That's the way of eating in countries that border the Mediterranean Sea and has been associated ...


The right way to fuel up before workouts

(HealthDay)—Mom was right when she said no swimming for an hour after lunch. Even though it takes energy to work out, it's important that exercise doesn't interfere with digestion.


Smarter lunchrooms make lunch choices child's play

In January 2012, the United States Department of Agriculture passed a series of regulations designed to make school lunches more nutritious, which included requiring schools to increase whole grain offerings and making students ...


Confusion over diabetes types adds to patients' woes

(HealthDay)—Given that about one in 12 Americans has diabetes, chances are good you know someone with some form of the disease. But you may be less informed about the different types of diabetes and their causes and treatments. ...

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