Overweight & Obesity

Finding the willpower to lose weight

(HealthDay)—Dieters sometimes chalk up their lack of weight-loss success to a lack of willpower. The truth about willpower, though, is that everyone has some.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Key to willpower lies in believing you have it in abundance

Americans believe they have less stamina for strenuous mental activity than their European counterparts - an indication that people in the U.S. perceive their willpower or self-control as being in limited supply, a new study ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Sequential options prompt future thinking, boost patience

When faced with a tempting choice, it can be hard to stop and think through the potential consequences, but new research suggests that framing the choice as a sequence of events can help us exercise patience by prompting ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Be more patient? Imagine that.

How often do you act impulsively without considering the consequences? What if you could learn how to be more patient?


Eat dessert first? It might help you control your diet

Consumers watching their diet should pay close attention to the amount of unhealthy foods they eat, but can relax when it comes to healthier options, according to a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research.


Trimming super-size with half-orders, plate colors

(AP) -- Call it the alter-ego of super-sizing. Researchers infiltrated a fast-food Chinese restaurant and found up to a third of diners jumped at the offer of a half-size of the usual heaping pile of rice or noodles - even ...

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