
Protecting older people in the winter

Every year, Minnesota's severe winter weather conditions—blizzards, extreme cold, ice storms—grip media attention and public consciousness. Yet how everyday winter weather shapes health and well-being is often overlooked. ...


Risk for carbon monoxide poisoning increases in winter

Each year, carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning is responsible for more than 50,000 emergency department visits, resulting in more than 400 deaths according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Americans ages 65 ...


Tips to help your skin thrive this winter

Winter isn't kind to your skin. Dry, cold weather causes dryness, and you might even develop "winter rash"—dry, irritated skin that's red, bumpy, flaky and burns. That's why it's prime time to step up your skincare routine.


It's cold. Put on a hat. Seriously.

It's a chorus repeated frequently by parents to their children during cold weather: "Where are your hat and gloves? Why don't you have your coat on and zipped up?"


Winter sports safety: Preparation is key

(HealthDay)—The outdoor winter sports season is in full swing, which means it's a good time to remind people about winter sports safety tips, says the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Livening up your space with plants can boost your mental health

While you may not associate lush greenery with the winter months, incorporating plants into your home can beautify your space and help combat the winter blues. Various indoor plants thrive during the winter months and can ...


Want to avoid winter weight gain? Exercise

(HealthDay)—Don't let cold weather keep you from being active—that's a surefire route to winter weight gain. Exercise keeps you healthy, trim and happy, and it's a great antidote to the gray-weather doldrums.


Stay safe, play safe in a winter wonderland

(HealthDay)—When you're outdoors enjoying the winter weather, be sure to protect against cold temperature-related injuries, a sports medicine expert says.

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