Oncology & Cancer

Rare genetic faults identified in families with bowel cancer

(Medical Xpress)—Rare DNA faults in two genes have been strongly linked to bowel cancer by Oxford University researchers, who sequenced the genomes of people from families with a strong history of developing the disease. 


High court asked to block morning-after pill rule

(AP)—Hobby Lobby Stores is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to block part of the federal health care law that requires it to provide insurance coverage for the morning-after pill and similar emergency contraception pills.

Medical research

Fetuses yawn in the womb, according to new research

The 4D scans of 15 healthy fetuses, by Durham and Lancaster Universities, also suggest that yawning is a developmental process which could potentially give doctors another index of a fetus' health.

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Women whose first pregnancy was ectopic have fewer children

Women whose first pregnancy is ectopic are likely to have fewer children in the following 20-30 years than women whose first pregnancy ends in a delivery, miscarriage or abortion, according to results from a study of nearly ...

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