Gerontology & Geriatrics

Biological age, not birthdate may reveal healthy longevity

A first-of-its-kind study of 1,813 older women suggests that the accelerated biological aging of the body—epigenetic age acceleration specifically—is associated with lower odds of living to be 90 years old and also being ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Stress affects fetus' ability to absorb iron, study finds

If a woman experiences chronic stress late in her pregnancy, it can affect her fetus' ability to absorb iron by as much as 15%, according to a study led by UW Medicine researchers in Seattle.

Gerontology & Geriatrics

Education inequalities linked to increased cognitive aging in women

Improvements in access to education for girls over the last century in the UK are likely to have reduced differences in cognitive aging between men and women, potentially reducing sex disparities in dementia risk, finds a ...

Oncology & Cancer

HPV vaccine effective against cervical cancer

Women vaccinated against HPV have a significantly lower risk of developing cervical cancer, and the positive effect is most pronounced for women vaccinated at a young age. That is according to a large study by researchers ...

Medical research

Research reverses the reproductive clock in mice

Researchers have lifted fertility rates in older female mice with small doses of a metabolic compound that reverses the aging process in eggs, offering hope for some women struggling to conceive.


Having less sex linked to earlier menopause

Women who engage in sexual activity weekly or monthly have a lower risk of entering menopause early relative to those who report having some form of sex less than monthly, according to a new UCL study.

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