Psychology & Psychiatry

New research shows how empathy can be socially transmitted

Prof. Dr. Grit Hein's latest assessments of empathic abilities once again challenge the old adage, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks." It seems that not only children but also adults can adopt empathic responses from ...

Medical economics

Nurse aide turnover linked to scheduling decisions

Long-term care facilities that scheduled part-time Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs) with more hours and more consistently with the same co-workers had reduced turnover, according to research led by Washington State University. ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Understanding drinking behaviors in young Australian adults

Young Australian adults aged 18–24 years are more likely to binge drink than any other age group prompting a team of Griffith University researchers to take a different approach to better understand why this is the case.

Medical economics

The nursing burnout crisis is also happening in primary care

Following the COVID-19 pandemic, nurses across the U.S. are facing a burnout crisis. Many nurses report concerns with their work environment, including strained relationships with managers and colleagues, a lack of input ...

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