Psychology & Psychiatry

Jealousy and envy at work are different in men and women

A study carried out by researchers from Spain, the Netherlands and Argentina suggests that in a work environment, sexual competition affects women more than men. However, a rival's social skills provoke jealousy and professional ...

Medical economics

Recruitment satisfactory for foreign-educated health providers

(HealthDay)—Foreign-educated health professionals (FEHPs) in the United States are overall satisfied with their recruitment experience, according to a study published in the January issue of the American Journal of Nursing.


How the built environment impacts healthy ageing

Streetscapes, cafes, buses and planes weren't necessarily designed to deal with the ageing population explosion, however older people can advocate change to their environment by voicing concerns.

Medical research

As the oceans rise, so do your risks of breast cancer

It is encouraging to see greater attention in the media to the issue of climate change and its effects on the life-support systems of the planet. The link between breast cancer and the environment, however, is being overlooked.


Improved staffing cuts medicare patient readmissions

(HealthDay)—Hospital nurses with good work environments who are caring for fewer patients have significantly fewer elderly Medicare patients with heart failure, acute myocardial infarction (MI), and pneumonia who are readmitted ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Working from home? Why detachment is crucial for mental health

As an academic who regularly worked from home in the days before coronavirus, my friends often joked about what they imagined my daily routine might be (such as enjoying a morning gin and not changing out of my pyjamas). ...

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