Psychology & Psychiatry

Suicides hit all-time high in Singapore in 2012

Suicides in Singapore hit an all-time high of 487 in 2012 as more young people bogged down by stress and relationship woes took their own lives, a charity group dealing with the problem said Friday.

Psychology & Psychiatry

That bad boss may be toxic to your family, too

(HealthDay)—When workplace stress spills over into your personal life, your family's well-being can also suffer, new evidence suggests.

Medical research

Living by the clock: The science of chronobiology

The clock never seems to stop. Every day, it seems, we're fighting it: rushing to get to work, getting errands done, catching whatever sleep we can. There's never enough time to do what we need or want to do, and just when ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Keep that holiday feeling throughout 2013

Has the return to work got you feeling down in the dumps? Don't worry, advises QUT psychology lecturer Associate Professor Robert Schweitzer, your reaction is perfectly normal.


Cherry juice gives a good nights' sleep

Drinking cherry juice significantly improves both the quality and duration of sleep, according to new findings from Northumbria University.


Hybrid work can be healthy at home and the office

First, we got advice on staying fit and healthy while working in the office. Then when the pandemic started, we got advice on staying fit and healthy while working from home.

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