
Singles need work / life balance too

(Medical Xpress)—If you think balancing work and family demands is one of the central challenges of modern life, you might be surprised to learn that parents score better than their childless counterparts on the work/life ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Keep that holiday feeling throughout 2013

Has the return to work got you feeling down in the dumps? Don't worry, advises QUT psychology lecturer Associate Professor Robert Schweitzer, your reaction is perfectly normal.

Medical research

How excess holiday eating disturbs your 'food clock'

(Medical Xpress)—If the sinful excess of holiday eating sends your system into butter-slathered, brandy-soaked overload, you are not alone: People who are jet-lagged, people who work graveyard shifts and plain-old late-night ...


Family care taking toll on workplace

(Medical Xpress)—Caring for aging family and friends is putting the squeeze on the Canadian workplace, with an average 1.5 million workdays being missed per month by middle-aged caregivers who are also trying to hold down ...

Oncology & Cancer

3-D mammograms offer clearer view of breast cancer

Bringing life-like detail to a hospital near you: the 3-D mammogram, which doctors say is detecting breast cancer earlier and more accurately than traditional tests.

Oncology & Cancer

Most breast cancer patients return to working same hours

(HealthDay) -- Nearly three-quarters of women treated for breast cancer return to their prediagnosis working time, according to a study published online July 9 in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.

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