Psychology & Psychiatry

Why some teens find it tough to social distance

Parenting a teenager can be an emotional minefield in the best of times, but the social distancing of the coronavirus pandemic could really strain young people's mental health.


Working long hours may increase odds of second heart attack

Among patients who return to work after a heart attack, those who work more than 55 hours per week, compared to those working an average full-time job of 35-40 hours a week, increase their odds of having a second heart attack ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

New research shows how empathy can be socially transmitted

Prof. Dr. Grit Hein's latest assessments of empathic abilities once again challenge the old adage, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks." It seems that not only children but also adults can adopt empathic responses from ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Shift workers can't all adjust to a night shift, research finds

Scientists at the University of Warwick, jointly with those at Université Paris-Saclay, Inserm and Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris (France), have challenged the widespread belief that shift workers adjust to the night ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Disruption of work relationships adds to mental-health concern

A recent Harvard study highlights how much emotional support we get from workplace relationships, and that it has not only been our jobs that the pandemic has disrupted, but these important informal ties as well.

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