Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

With handy app, Brazilians hope to fight dengue

While World Cup referees finally have goal-line technology to prevent mistakes, doctors in Brazil will soon have their own computer gizmo to contain dengue outbreaks.


Biggest World Cup comeback so far: beer

Brazil fought hard when FIFA insisted it overturn its ban on alcohol in stadiums, but the World Cup hosts lost, and with the tournament now under way it's official: beer is back.


Paralyzed person to kick off world cup

(HealthDay)—A paralyzed person who will be strapped into a robotic "suit" with artificial skin will take the first kick-off of the World Cup in Brazil when the tournament starts Thursday.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Paraguay warns of dengue risk during World Cup

Authorities in Paraguay raised the alert Thursday against dengue fever while the World Cup is underway next month in neighboring Brazil, where the mosquito-born illness is rampant in some regions.


Football players suffer more injuries when their team is ahead

Male football players are at a greater risk of injury five minutes after a card has been given or after a goal has been scored. The frequency of player injuries also increases when their own team is in the lead. These are ...

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