
Researchers use an app to decrease infections following surgery

Volunteer surgeons and students take part every year in medical-surgical mission Medipinas, to perform free operations for patients with no resources in the Santa Maria Josefa Hospital Foundation of Iriga City, in the Philippines. ...

Medical research

Hair follicles heal blisters at personal cost

A team of scientists has shown that the healing of skin blisters is driven by hair follicle stem cells, which delay their own development in the process.


Self-organizing human heart organoids

Biologist Sasha Mendjan at the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna and his team have used human pluripotent stem cells to grow sesame-seed-sized heart models, called cardioids, that spontaneously self-organize to develop ...

Medical research

New way to reduce scarring

Researchers have been able to reduce scarring by blocking part of the healing process in research that could make a significant difference for burns and other trauma patients.


Dexamethasone treatment safe in surgery

A large scale trial by Monash University has definitively found a drug commonly used during anaesthesia before surgery to prevent nausea and vomiting does not increase the risk of a surgical wound infection as once feared.

Medical research

Preclinical discovery triggers wound healing, skin regeneration

Difficult-to-treat, chronic wounds in preclinical models healed with normal scar-free skin after treatment with an acellular product discovered at Mayo Clinic. Derived from platelets, the purified exosomal product, known ...

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