
Five reasons why young people should get a COVID booster vaccine

Vaccination has played a substantial role in reducing the impact of COVID across the globe, and allowed life in most countries to gradually return to something like how we remember it before the pandemic. Researchers estimate ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Help for youth who have experienced sexual or physical abuse

There have not been many scientifically evaluated therapies for teens and young adults who have suffered physical or sexual abuse until now. Psychologists at Goethe University have closed the gap by developing a psychotherapeutic ...


Use of alcohol and e-cigarettes among youth 'alarming': WHO

The widespread use of alcohol and e-cigarettes among adolescents is "alarming", according to a report released on Thursday by the World Health Organization's (WHO) European branch, which recommended measures to limit access.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Almost one child in six is cyberbullied: WHO Europe

Some 16 percent of children aged 11 to 15 were cyberbullied in 2022, up from 13 percent four years ago, a WHO Europe report covering 44 countries said on Wednesday.


Moderna says its low-dose COVID shots work for kids under 6

Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine works in babies, toddlers and preschoolers, the company announced Wednesday—a development that could pave the way for the littlest kids to be vaccinated by summer if regulators agree.

Overweight & Obesity

Live Well RVA study takes aim at obesity

(Medical Xpress)—A new study underway at Virginia Commonwealth University is focused on tackling obesity in young adults.

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