Medical research

Researchers identify mechanism that could help old muscle grow

Sarcopenia – the significant loss of muscle mass and function that can occur as we age – is associated with many chronic conditions such as diabetes, high cholesterol and obesity. In findings published online ahead of ...


Young women with a heart attack continue to fare worse than men

While awareness campaigns may be getting women to go to the hospital more quickly during a heart-attack, a new look at hospital data shows women have longer hospital stays and are more likely than men to die in the hospital ...

Oncology & Cancer

Prostate cancer diagnoses down from 2011 to 2013

(HealthDay)—From 2011 to 2013 there was a decrease in prostate cancer (PC) diagnoses, especially for younger men and low-risk disease, according to a research letter published online June 23 in JAMA Oncology.


Middle-aged diabetics may need earlier colon checks

(HealthDay) -- Researchers who say they've linked type 2 diabetes with earlier development of precancerous colon lesions recommend people with the blood sugar disorder start colorectal screenings at a younger age than others.

Psychology & Psychiatry

'Be a man': Why some men respond aggressively to threats to manhood

When their manhood is threatened, some men respond aggressively, but not all. New research from Duke University suggests who may be most triggered by such threats—younger men whose sense of masculinity depends heavily on ...

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