
Sunscreen: is it safe to make your own?

Using natural and organic products for skincare is increasingly popular—and that includes sunscreen. Many websites, including Pinterest and Instagram, feature users' recipes for homemade sunscreens.


How safe and effective is your sunscreen?

(HealthDay)—It may be easier than ever to find sunscreen with all the right stuff, but be sure to read the label or you could still get burned.


Zinc supply affects cardiac health

In addition to essential metabolic functions, the level of zinc in the body also affects the heart muscle. When oxidative stress occurs, it may be due to a shortage of zinc, which can be determined by examining the heart ...


Five Questions: Susan Swetter on choosing a sunscreen

With summer just around the corner, a Stanford dermatologist discusses how to think about SPF labels, how to properly apply sunscreen, the differences between UVA and UVB radiation and more. what to consider when choosing ...

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