
As clocks spring forward, keep sleep on track

You may only worry about losing an hour of sleep when the clocks spring forward this Sunday, but the time change can also be dangerous for your health, an expert says.


Is your body clock off-schedule? Prebiotics may help

Whether it's from jetting across time zones, pulling all-nighters at school or working the overnight shift, chronically disrupting our circadian rhythm—or internal biological clocks—can take a measurable toll on everything ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Childhood trauma affects the timing of motherhood

Women who have experienced childhood trauma become mothers earlier than those with a more stable childhood environment, according to a new study conducted by the University of Turku and the University of Helsinki in Finland. ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

World's virus toll tops 60,000 as advice on masks shifts

The global death toll in the coronavirus crisis soared past 60,000 on Saturday, as US calls for the public to cover their faces reignited debate about whether masks can be effective in stemming the pandemic.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Virus enigma: Experts ask why Africa seems to have few cases

The coronavirus is spreading fast beyond its China birthplace but sub-Saharan Africa, one of the world's most vulnerable regions, has so far been almost spared—and experts want to know why.

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