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Autism spectrum disorders news


Researchers reveal neural mechanism of impaired tactile processing in autism-associated Shank3 mutant dogs

Mutations in SHANK3, a gene encoding a synaptic scaffolding protein, have been repeatedly identified in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

Autism spectrum disorders

Q&A: Researcher discusses autism in young adulthood

Our understanding of autism has changed significantly in the past years. Previously viewed as a rare childhood disorder with a focus on deficits and pathology, autism is now recognized as a common, lifelong and heterogenous ...


How human and dog interactions affect the brain

During social interactions, the activity of the brain's neurons becomes synchronized between the individuals involved. New research published in Advanced Science reveals that such synchronization occurs between humans and ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Smartphone eye-tracking could expand autism research reach

One of the most effective means of investigating and understanding autism is eye tracking. Participants are shown photos or videos, and computer software records where their gaze rests. Autistic individuals are more likely ...

Autism spectrum disorders

AI model aids early detection of autism

A new machine learning model can predict autism in young children from relatively limited information. This is shown in a new study by Karolinska Institutet published in JAMA Network Open. The model can facilitate early detection ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Sibling secrets: Autism's impact on family ties

A recent study provides fresh insights into the dynamics of sibling relationships in families with a child diagnosed with autism. This research explores the unique perspectives of both mothers and siblings, unveiling fascinating ...