
New lupus treatments offer a better chance for remission

One of the most difficult things about lupus, a chronic autoimmune disease, is that people who have it don't always realize it—they know something's not right, but they're not sure what. They may feel exhausted and have ...


New discoveries in lupus research

Two separate findings by a University of Houston nationally recognized expert in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE or lupus), a chronic autoimmune disease that affects multiple organs including the kidneys, skin, joints and ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Advancing diagnostics for lupus nephritis

The nature of a typical clinical test for lupus nephritis (LN), an inflammation of the kidneys and a leading cause of mortality in lupus patients, is fraught with difficulty. The invasive renal biopsy can be painful and may ...


Race-specific lupus nephritis biomarkers

University of Houston Hugh Roy and Lillie Cranz Cullen Endowed Professor of biomedical engineering, Chandra Mohan, and his team have discovered a difference in urinary biomarker proteins of lupus nephritis (LN) in patients ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Lower income linked to certain kidney diseases

A new study found an inverse association between socioeconomic status and certain kidney diseases. The findings appear in an upcoming issue of CJASN.

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