
Psychology & Psychiatry

The power of learning from experience

In a first study, researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Human Development and the University of the Balearic Islands analyzed the development of research on statistical reasoning from a historical perspective. In ...


Infants recognize rapid images, just like adults

It has previously been reported that the human visual system has a temporal limitation in processing visual information when perceiving things that occur less than half a second apart. This temporal deficit is known as 'attentional ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Our attention is captured by eye-glance

Eyes play an important role in social communication by expressing the intentions of our interlocutors, and even more so in times of pandemic when half of the face is hidden. But is this eye contact automatic and rapid? Is ...


Infants' language skills more advanced than first words suggest

Babies can recognize combinations of words even before they have uttered their first word, a study suggests, challenging ideas of how children learn language. Assessments in 11-12 month-olds show that infants at the cusp ...

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