Molecular Therapy

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Synthetic antibody rapidly protects mice and monkeys from Zika

A DNA-encoded monoclonal antibody prevents Zika infection in mice and non-human primates, researchers report April 5th in the journal Molecular Therapy. Injections of synthetic DNA encoding the potent anti-Zika monoclonal ...

Oncology & Cancer

Reprograming T cells to attack solid tumors

An attractive approach to liver cancer treatment is to bolster the body's own immune defenses. Now an international team involving A*STAR researchers has genetically engineered human T cells to endow them with both specificity ...

Medical research

Gene therapy cassettes improved for muscular dystrophy

Experimental gene therapy cassettes for Duchenne muscular dystrophy have been modified to deliver better performance. The cassettes, which carry the therapy into muscle cells, contain newer versions of a miniaturized treatment ...


Making gene therapy delivery safer and more efficient

Viral vectors used to deliver gene therapies undergo spontaneous changes during manufacturing which affects their structure and function, found researchers from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania ...

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