
Presenteeism: A new word for working when sick

Colleagues who work with runny noses, sore throats and clammy skin are as seasonal as the flu. Yet are sick employees workplace troopers or are they insecure about their jobs?

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Impact of acne relapses on quality of life and productivity

In a study of teenagers and adults suffering from acne who consulted their dermatologist, the acne relapse rate was 44 percent (39.9 percent of ≤20-year-olds and 53.3 percent of >20-year-olds).


Australia's soaring $3bn hangover bill

The cost to Australia's economy of alcohol and other drug related (AOD) absenteeism has soared from $1.2bn in 2001 to more than $3bn, according to analysis being published today by Flinders University's National Centre for ...

Overweight & Obesity

The cost of obesity examined

Researchers from The University of Auckland have announced the results of a recent study showing that overweight and obesity in New Zealand costs the country between NZ$722 million and NZ$849 million a year in health care ...

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