Psychology & Psychiatry

Family pets boost child development

Growing up with a pet can bring social, emotional and educational benefit to children and adolescents, according to a new University of Liverpool study. Youngsters with pets tend to have greater self-esteem, less loneliness, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

The great unknown—risk-taking behaviour in adolescents

Adolescents are more likely to ignore information that could prompt them to rethink risky decisions. This may explain why information campaigns on risky behaviors such as drug abuse tend to have only limited success. These ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Peer pressure in preschool children

Adults and adolescents often adjust their behaviour and opinions to peer groups, even when they themselves know better. Researchers from the Max Planck Institutes for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, and for ...


Inadequate sleep is bad for preteens' brains

We all know that if we don't get enough sleep or don't sleep well, we won't be on top of our game the next day. And we know that many teens and preteens get too little or poor-quality sleep. Now, a large, first-of-its kind ...


Book on teen brains can help improve decision making

Teenage brains undergo big changes, and they won't look or function like adult brains until well into one's 20s. In the first book on the adolescent brain and development of higher cognition, a Cornell professor helps highlight ...

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