
CRISPR provides hope of sickle cell cure

Thanks to the 'cut and paste' gene editing technique CRISPR, scientists are homing in on a cure for sickle cell disease—a genetic blood disorder—while other research is looking at how to expand the potential of CRISPR-based ...

Medical research

Hydrogel offers double punch against orthopedic bone infections

Surgery prompted by automobile accidents, combat wounds, cancer treatment and other conditions can lead to bone infections that are difficult to treat and can delay healing until they are resolved. Now, researchers have a ...

Medical research

A link between mitochondrial damage and osteoporosis

Some risk factors for osteoporosis such as being older and female or having a family history of the condition cannot be avoided. But others can, like smoking cigarettes, consuming alcohol, taking certain medications, or being ...

Medical research

Keeping bone in its place

Heterotopic ossification (HO) is the formation of bone within soft tissue such as muscle, leading to pain and potentially the inability to use a limb. Once thought to be primarily a genetic disease, the cause of most trauma-induced ...

Medical research

Magnetic fields enhance bone remodeling

Since the creation of 3-D-printed (3DP) porous titanium scaffolds in 2016, the scientific community has been exploring ways to improve their ability to stimulate osteogenesis, or bone remodeling. A recent study published ...

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