Oncology & Cancer

Repurposing nitroglycerin for anti-cancer treatments

For over a century, nitroglycerin has been used medically – particularly in the treatment of angina, or chest pain. It is a safe, cheap and effective treatment. Now, according to the latest study in ecancermedicalscience, ...

Oncology & Cancer

Calculating leukemia progression

A new computational study published in the International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications has shown how mutations that give rise to drug resistance occur in a form of cancer known as acute myeloid leukemia ...

Oncology & Cancer

Anti-fungal drug shows promise as potential new cancer treatment

A common anti-fungal treatment has joined the ranks of drugs that may be suitable for use in treating cancer, according to research from the Repurposing Drugs in Oncology (ReDO) project published in ecancermedicalscience.

Oncology & Cancer

How a common antacid could lead to cheaper anti-cancer drugs

A popular indigestion medication can increase survival in colorectal cancer, according to research published in ecancermedicalscience. But in fact, scientists have studied this for years - and a group of cancer advocates ...

Oncology & Cancer

Increased toxicity for many newly approved anticancer drugs

(HealthDay)—Newly approved anticancer drugs that do not have a specific molecular target on cancer cells are associated with increased toxicity and the accompanying costs of management, according to research published online ...

Oncology & Cancer

Clinical trial to test safety of drug targeting leukemia cells

Researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine, in partnership with the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) and Celgene Corporation, a New Jersey-based biopharmaceutical company, ...

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