
Bacteria in the mouth may be a cause of Crohn's disease

Crohn's disease affects four million people worldwide. The condition causes debilitating symptoms such as chronic fatigue, diarrhea, abdominal pain, weight loss and malnutrition. Once symptoms develop, Crohn's is a lifelong ...

Health informatics

A global overview of antibiotic resistance determinants

To understand the main determinants behind worldwide antibiotic resistance dynamics, scientists from the Institut Pasteur, Inserm, Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines and Université Paris-Saclay developed ...

Overweight & Obesity

How a gut microbe can exacerbate obesity

RIKEN researchers have discovered how a species of gut microbe exacerbates obesity in mice fed a high-fat diet. Now published in Cell Metabolism, this finding could help scientists develop new ways of treating obesity via ...

Medical research

Hospital bacteria not found in babies born by C-section

Imagine a horse race, where the winner takes it all and is awarded both food and protection against enemies. In the same way, bacteria compete with one another in the gut of newborn babies.

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