
Vaccine investigators use bacterium's own protein against it

A team of Agricultural Research Service (ARS) and university scientists is investigating a new "ingredient" for use in vaccinating cattle against Johne's disease, a chronic wasting affliction that costs the U.S. dairy industry ...


How common gut bacteria trigger a lethal autoimmune disease

What causes the immune system, designed to protect us, to turn on the body and attack healthy cells? Common bacteria that reside in the human gut may be partly to blame, say Yale researchers, who studied the origins of a ...

Medical research

Healthy, stress-busting fat found hidden in dirt

Thirty years after scientists coined the term "hygiene hypothesis" to suggest that increased exposure to microorganisms could benefit health, CU Boulder researchers have identified an anti-inflammatory fat in a soil-dwelling ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

How to fight 'scary' superbugs? Cooperation and a special soap

Hospitals and nursing homes in California and Illinois are testing a surprisingly simple strategy against the dangerous, antibiotic-resistant superbugs that kill thousands of people each year: washing patients with a special ...

Medical research

Cancer prevention drug also disables H. pylori bacterium

A medicine currently being tested as a chemoprevention agent for multiple types of cancer has more than one trick in its bag when it comes to preventing stomach cancer, Vanderbilt researchers have discovered.

Oncology & Cancer

Probing H. pylori cancer protein

Infection with the stomach-dwelling bacterium Helicobacter pylori— particularly strains producing the oncoprotein CagA—is a strong risk factor for gastric cancer.


When medicine makes patients sicker

Despite the jackhammerlike rhythm of a mechanical ventilator, Alicia Moreno had dozed off in a chair by her 1-year-old's hospital bed, when a doctor woke her with some bad news: The common stool softener her son, Anderson, ...

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