Medical research

Circadian clock controls insulin and blood sugar in pancreas

A new Northwestern Medicine study has pinpointed thousands of genetic pathways an internal body clock takes to dictate how and when our pancreas must produce insulin and control blood sugar, findings that could eventually ...


Why teens need up to 10 hours' sleep

Technology, other distractions and staying up late make is difficult, but researchers say teenagers need to make time for 8-10 hours of sleep a night to optimise their performance and maintain good health and wellbeing.


Is 'when we eat' as important as 'what we eat'?

In a review of research on the effect of meal patterns on health, the few studies available suggest that eating irregularly is linked to a higher risk of metabolic syndrome (high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and obesity). ...

Medical research

Time of day affects severity of autoimmune disease

Insights into how the body clock and time of day influence immune responses are revealed today in a study published in leading international journal Nature Communications. Understanding the effect of the interplay between ...

Medical research

Living by the clock: The science of chronobiology

The clock never seems to stop. Every day, it seems, we're fighting it: rushing to get to work, getting errands done, catching whatever sleep we can. There's never enough time to do what we need or want to do, and just when ...


Common supplement SAMe could be toxic, scientists warn

A dietary supplement sold over the counter could be toxic and should not be used until it is shown to be safe, biologists from the Universities of Manchester and Kyoto have discovered.


Genetic study links body clock receptor to diabetes

A study published in Nature Genetics today has found new evidence for a link between the body clock hormone melatonin and type 2 diabetes. The study found that people who carry rare genetic mutations in the receptor for melatonin ...

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