Medical research

Researchers explore biomechanical regulation of a key gene in bone

Researchers from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), in collaboration with Damian Genetos at UC Davis and Alex Robling at Indiana University School of Medicine, investigated a regulatory element for the gene controlling ...

Medical research

Osteoporosis: Antibody crystallized

Inhibiting a protein called Sclerostin could probably help treating the bone-loss disease osteoporosis. New findings at the University of Würzburg could stimulate this research.


Bone health as you age

Dear Mayo Clinic: Should all postmenopausal women take calcium supplements to prevent osteoporosis, or are there other things I can do to prevent it? Also, I know caffeine is bad for bone health, but can eating a high-protein ...

Oncology & Cancer

As body mass index increases, so does spread of multiple myeloma

In a new study published in Cancer Letters, American University researchers show how, as body mass index increases, so does the growth and spread of the blood cancer multiple myeloma, which accounts for about 10 percent of ...

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