
Experimental compound counters diabetic complications

An experimental compound reduced complications of type 1 and type 2 diabetes in mice—not by lowering blood sugar—but by countering its consequences: cell death, inflammation, and organ damage.

Oncology & Cancer

Starving cancer cells of sugar—does it work?

Previous research have shown that rapidly dividing cancer cells require higher levels of sugar than healthy cells. This dependency on sugar distinguishes cancer cells from normal cells and is often used as a treatment option ...


Saturated fatty acids might directly damage heart

Olive oil is universally considered a much healthier alternative to meat fat. Plant-derived oils (such as olive oil, canola oil, and vegetable oil) largely consist of unsaturated fatty acids, whereas animal fat is richer ...


Immune system 'double agent' could be new ally in cancer fight

St. Jude Children's Research Hospital scientists have discovered that an enzyme called TAK1 functions like a "double agent" in the innate immune response, serving as an unexpected regulator of inflammation and cell death. ...

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