
Physicians discuss strategies for managing chronic insomnia

In a new Annals 'Beyond the Guidelines,' a clinical psychologist and sleep physician debate the management of a patient with chronic insomnia who has been treated with medications. All 'Beyond the Guidelines' features are ...


Virtual sleep coach effective against insomnia

The interactive app developed by TU Delft, Utrecht University and the University of Amsterdam to help people with chronic insomnia to learn a better sleep rhythm has been shown to work. The use of this virtual coach reduces ...

Sleep disorders

Cognitive behavioral therapy for better sleep

As the sun sets and day turns to night, we find ourselves growing weary, worn out from a busy day. We follow a ritual that leads us down the path to a restful slumber. We power down with perhaps a warm bath, brush our teeth, ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Study affirms treating insomnia may ease migraines

Even relatively brief sessions with a sleep therapist may prove useful in relieving the frequency of migraines for chronic sufferers, concludes a study conducted by researchers at the University of Mississippi.


Efficacy of herbal remedies for managing insomnia

Approximately 1 in 3 Americans suffers from chronic sleep deprivation and another 10-15% of the population has chronic insomnia. Sleep disorders can profoundly affect a person's whole life and have been linked to a range ...

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