
Online pharmacy crackdown shutters 1,677 websites

U.S. and international regulators have seized more than $41 million in illegal medicines worldwide and shut down 1,677 websites as part of their ongoing fight against counterfeit drugs sold over the Internet.


Dutch ban takes aim at foreigners buying pot

(AP) -- This country of canals and tulips is also famous for "coffee shops" where joints and cappuccinos share the menu. Now, the Netherlands' famed tolerance for drugs could be going up in smoke.

Psychology & Psychiatry

How an online test might help identify mental illnesses

Outside prisons and jails, more than four million people in the United States are still monitored on probation and parole. Mental health disorders may affect about half a million of them—or perhaps more. No one is quite ...


Mephedrone boosts illegal drug use

Experienced clubbers are more likely to add the former 'legal high' mephedrone to their drug repertoires rather than use it to replace popular established club drugs such as ecstasy and cocaine, according to new research ...

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