Medical research

A high-fat diet may alleviate mitochondrial disease

Mice that have a genetic version of mitochondrial disease can easily be mistaken for much older animals by the time they are nine months old: they have thinning grey hair, osteoporosis, poor hearing, infertility, heart problems ...


Eating out = high blood pressure?

A recent study on university-going young adults, by researchers from the Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore (Duke-NUS), is the first ever to show an association between meals eaten away from home and high blood pressure. ...


Gene loss creates eating disorder-related behaviors in mice

Building on their discovery of a gene linked to eating disorders in humans, a team of researchers at the University of Iowa has now shown that loss of the gene in mice leads to several behavioral abnormalities that resemble ...

Medical research

What's next in diets: Chili peppers?

Don't go chomping on a handful of chili peppers just yet, but there may be help for hopeful dieters in those fiery little Native American fruits.

Overweight & Obesity

Nutritional experts say it's time to stop fearing fat

Those seeking the keys to a healthy diet these days face a predicament. Decades of studies have produced vast stores of data about the foods and nutrients likely to enhance and extend life. But any attempt to retrieve this ...

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