Psychology & Psychiatry

Ideal body size identified

(Medical Xpress)—The ideal male and female bodies according to each of the sexes have been identified by researchers at Newcastle University using a special 3D design programme. The findings, published today in the journal ...


What kind of sex do German men have at 45?

In a study by the Technical University of Munich (TUM), 12,354 men at the age of 45 spoke about sex. The study makes some discrepancies statistically tangible for the first time: for example, about 10 percent of gay men have ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Parental sexual orientation and children's psychological well-being

In a Child Development study of 21,103 children aged 4-17 years, those with lesbian and gay parents did not differ from children of heterosexual parents in terms of emotional and mental health difficulties, as assessed on ...


LGBQ youth more prone to obesity

(HealthDay)—Rates of obesity and inactivity are higher among lesbian, gay, bisexual and questioning (LGBQ) youth than among their heterosexual peers, a new study reports.


LGBT seniors face harder old age, national study finds

Aging and health issues facing lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender baby boomers have been largely ignored by services, policies and research. These seniors face higher rates of disability, physical and mental distress ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

'Tis better to give than to receive?

Providing support to a loved one offers benefits to the giver, not just the recipient, a new brain-imaging study by UCLA life scientists reveals.

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