
Study questions benefit of new Alzheimer's drug

Last summer, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration fully approved the first drug shown to slow the progress of Alzheimer's. But new research from the University of Georgia suggests that patients and caregivers may not experience ...


Research team breaks down musical instincts with AI

Music, often referred to as the universal language, is known to be a common component in all cultures. Could "musical instinct" be something that is shared to some degree, despite the extensive environmental differences among ...


New gut-brain circuits found for sugar and fat cravings

Understanding why we overeat unhealthy foods has been a long-standing mystery. While we know food's strong power influences our choices, the precise circuitry in our brains behind this is unclear. The vagus nerve sends internal ...


Amnesia caused by head injury reversed in early mouse study

A mouse study designed to shed light on memory loss in people who experience repeated head impacts, such as athletes, suggests the condition could potentially be reversed. The research in mice finds that amnesia and poor ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Neuroscientists identify 'chemical imprint of desire'

Hop in the car to meet your lover for dinner and a flood of dopamine— the same hormone underlying cravings for sugar, nicotine and cocaine—likely infuses your brain's reward center, motivating you to brave the traffic ...

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