
Tracheal allograft stable after immunosuppressive therapy

(HealthDay)—A composite-tissue tracheal allograft appears to have retained its structural integrity after the withdrawal of immunosuppressive therapy, according to a letter to the editor published in the April 17 issue ...

Medical research

New organ transplant strategy aims to better prevent rejection

(Medical Xpress)—Organ-transplant recipients often reject donated organs, but a new, two-pronged strategy developed by UC San Francisco researchers to specifically weaken immune responses that target transplanted tissue ...


Lifetime of transplanted kidneys can be prolonged

The drug Belatacept, which the Medical University of Vienna – represented by Ferdinand Mühlbacher, Head of the University Department of Surgery and the immunologist Thomas Wekerle – was greatly involved in the development ...

Inflammatory disorders

Therapy for severe vasculitis shows long-term effectiveness

Administering the drug rituximab once weekly for one month provides the same benefits as 18 months of daily immunosuppressive therapy in people with severe forms of vasculitis, or inflammation of the blood vessels, a study ...


Urine test can diagnose, predict kidney transplant rejection

Analysis of three biomarkers in the urine of kidney transplant recipients can diagnose—and even predict—transplant rejection, according to results from a clinical trial sponsored by the National Institute of Allergy and ...

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