
First comprehensive atlas of human gene activity released

A large international consortium of researchers has produced the first comprehensive, detailed map of the way genes work across the major cells and tissues of the human body. The findings describe the complex networks that ...

Oncology & Cancer

Research shows breast cancer gene affects brain development

(Medical Xpress)—The BRCA1 gene, known for its role in suppressing the growth of breast and ovarian tumors, could be necessary for brain development. In a study appearing in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, ...

Medical research

Team finds two pathways through which chromosomes are rearranged

Biologists reported today in Nature that they have identified two pathways through which chromosomes are rearranged in mammalian cells. These types of changes are associated with some cancers and inherited disorders in people.

Oncology & Cancer

More than just a kinase: CDK6 in cancer

Cell division is tightly controlled by a number of genes and because of the importance of ensuring that the process stays in check – mistakes frequently lead to cancer – mammalian cells often have several inbuilt layers ...

Medical research

Scientists identify key protein that modulates organismal aging

Scientists at Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute have identified a key factor that regulates the autophagy process, a kind of cleansing mechanism for cells in which waste material and cellular debris is gobbled up ...

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